230 x 270 x 30

Covert with serigraphy
Interior: Papel Calco alemán Diamant 120 gr (16 pag); Bookcell 80 gr (136 pag);
Gardapat 130 gr (120 pag) y Chambril (120 gr) 2 cuatrípticos.
Binding stitched
Language: Spanish & Ingles
Price: u$s 150


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Silvia Rivas is the first publication that thoroughly spans the artist’s career and body of work, presenting over three decades of work within the contemporary art scenes on a national and international level.
The importance and attention given to the physical object is apparent in this catalogue, released by ARTA ediciones. The book includes a series of “making of” sketches printed on parchment paper, with initial drawings of video installations and later, projective sketches of future works.

The publication is divided into four. In the first part, text and images are separate. This procedure gives relativity to the didactic use of image and register. Together with the data sheet, the text replicates every piece mentioned by the author. The second displays graphic and performative works. The author also establishes a strong dialogue with footnotes. In the third, again the text and data sheet provide a technological vision of the pieces. The last one includes the biography and classification of all the pieces, making up the base of the book’s archive.

This way, Silvia Rivas’ body of work finds its duplication in the essential folds of language, words and their resignification.

Edition:Valeria Balut
Texts: Rodrigo Alonso; Rodolfo Biscia y Andrés García La Rota
Graphic Desing: Paula Galli
Proofeiding: Alicia Di Stansio y Mario Valedor
Traslate: Jane Brodie/ e-Verba y Marcos Guntin/Boethius
Digital post production: Paula Parodi