205 x 225 x 35

Tapas en cartón craft de 5 mm serigrafiadas. Interior en chambril de 148 gr.
Encuadernación cartoné cocida con hilo verde. Lomo entelado
250 páginas
Idioma: Español - Portugues - Inglés
Precio: U$s 500

ISBN: 978-987-254293--1

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Artist Martin Legón’s “Man under the rain test” reproduces a part of what was sent to the 30th São Paulo Art Biennial curated by Luiz Pérez Oramas. This time around, ARTA editions worked both on the production of the work destined to the Biennial as well as on the later edition and production of the book.

Design: Tomás Ruiz
Portuguese translation: Iara Freiberg
English translation: Tamara Stuby
Proofreading: Hugo Mujica